DROITE workshop on tomography: mathematics and applications.Grenoble, Thursday Jan 26 and Friday Jan 27, 2017

In conjunction with the visit of colleagues from the Pattern Recognition lab from Erlangen University, we have prepared an informal 2-day workshop open to a wider audience. Two themes of this workshop are Data Consistency Conditions (DCC) in Tomography, and Calibration of X-ray Cone-Beam (CB) Systems. However, we also have presentations on other recent advances in the field of Computerized Tomography.

The workshop will take place at TIMC-IMAG, in Pavillon Taillefer (In3S) in Room R32, Groundfloor.

From Grenoble train station, the fastest link to Pavillon Taillefer is the tramway, line B, direction “Gieres, Plaine des Sports”: stop at “Grand Sablon”, go back 30m, cross the street and continue down the stairs to the left: Pavillon Taillefer is the next building (entrance at 50m) → See the third map on this page

If you are in front of the building, phone Angelique Brouta (or my cell number) to be let inside. Room R32 is on the ground floor; walk straight into the building and go as far as possible until forced to turn right.

link to information on public transportation in Grenoble

Participant List

draft schedule

Thursday 26 January, 2017

09:30 Welcome to the workshop

10:00 J.Lesaint. Introduction to DCC in tomography

10:30 M.Defrise. DCC and Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography (TOF-PET)

11:00 A.Aichert. ECC and application to CB geometry calibration

11:30 Y.Huang. Restauration of missing data for limited angle tomography based on HL DCC

12:00 Lunch

14:30 J.Lesaint. DCC and application to CB geometry calibration

15:00 T.Würfl. ECC and Beam Hardening correction

15:30 R.Clackdoyle. Image Reconstruction from Integrals over Lines and Circles

16:00 Coffee break

16:30 R.Clackdoyle. Duality in image Reconstruction (Cont.)

17:00 P.Paleo. Tomographic reconstruction at ESRF

17:30 End of the session

20:00 Dinner

Friday 27 January, 2017

08:30 Coffee

09:00 S.Grudinin. Some problems in computational electron-cryo microscopy

09:30 P.Bleuet. Cone beam calibration issues of a 100nm resolution tomography system

10:00 R.Clackdoyle. DCC in CB tomography

10:30 Break

11:30 H.Moutarde. Proton Tomography: Towards new information on the strong interaction.

12:15 M.Defrise. Dynamic FET positron tomography: preliminary approach with non-negative matrix factorization

13:15 END of workshop

Possible informal lunch together (at own expense)

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